Emily has an extensive knowledge base, and a wealth of experience that she brings to her psychological therapy sessions.
Emily is a Clinical Psychologist, Counsellor and Educator. She offers individual therapy sessions with children, adolescents, and adults.
Emily has a Master of Clinical Psychology from the University of Sydney, a Bachelor of Psychology with First Class Honours, both a Bachelor and Master of Education, a Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling and a Master of Counselling Practice.
Emily has over sixteen years of teaching experience in a wide range of school settings in Adelaide, rural South Australia and London, in the United Kingdom. She was also a university lecturer for four years where she taught Childhood and Adolescent Development to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Emily was the Education and Wellbeing Consultant at Rose Park Psychology in Adelaide and at The Balmain Practice in Sydney. She also established her own counselling practice 'Emily Shaw Consulting' in 2017.
Emily has been a psychologist and group therapist at a private psychiatric hospital in Sydney where she taught group based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) programs for the treatment of depression, anxiety, anger, trauma, and she also taught Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) programs.
Emily is approachable and caring, relating to her patients with both professionalism and respect. Her aim is to allow all people to reach their full potential, through offering support and guidance.

Registered Psychologist with Endorsement as a Clinical Psychologist - Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
Australian Psychological Society Member - (MAPS)
​Master of Clinical Psychology - MClinPsych
Bachelor of Psychological Science (First Class Honours) - BPsy(Hons)
Master of Counselling Practice - MCouns(Prac)
Graduate Diploma in Counselling - PGDip(Couns)
Master of Education – Educational Leadership and Management - MEd(EdLeadMgmt)
Bachelor of Junior Primary and Primary Education - BEd(PrimEd)